Correcting Your Thesis Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas as one's own without proper citation. It is a serious offense in the academic world, and can result in disciplinary action for students found guilty of it. If you are a student who has been accused of plagiarism in your thesis, it is important to take steps to correct the issue as soon as possible. One tool that is often used by universities to detect plagiarism is Turnitin. Turnitin is a software program that compares a student's work to a database of billions of pages of content, including published works and other student papers. If Turnitin finds any matches, it is flagged as potentially plagiarized. If you are accused of plagiarism in your thesis and your university uses Turnitin, you may be asked to submit your work to the program for review. If Turnitin finds any instances of plagiarism, you will need to take steps to correct the issue. One way to correct plagiarism in a thesis is to go back and properly ci...